- turbo-generators major overhauls and regular repairs in REK“Bitola” 3´225 [MW], REK “Oslomej” 125 [MW], and TPP “Negotino” 210 [MW] (HP, IP and LP turbine)
- turbo-generators nominal power extending in REK “Bitola” from 3´210 [MW] to 3´225 [MW]
- turbine rotor blades replacement on the Bauman’s 5 th and 6 th degree in the low pressure area and turbine rotor blades replacement on 1 st & 2 nd degree in intermediate pressure area in REK “Oslomej” 125 [MW]
- turbine new slide bearings producing and old slide bearings repairing in REK “Oslomej” 125 [MW]
- generator exciter repair in REK “Oslomej” and REK “Bitola”
- generator coolers repair in REK “Oslomej” and REK “Bitola”
- repair of oil coolers for the turbo-generator in REK “Oslomej”
- high and intermediate pressure re-heaters repair (PBD, PND) in REK “Oslomej”
- turbine regulation systems adjusting in REK “Bitola”, REK “Oslomej” and TPP “Negotino”
- repair of feed water pumps
- repair of condensate pumps
- armatures & machine part revision
Steam boiler
- regular participation in repairs of the steam boilers in REK “Bitola”, REK “Oslomej” and TPP “Negotino”
- repair the reheating groups of the steam boilers in REK “Bitola”, REK “Oslomej” and TPP “Negotino”
- manufacturing the pipe packages of the reheating groups from the boiler in REK “Oslomej”
- manufacturing of dust burner for the boiler in REK “Oslomej”
- manufacturing and mounting of economizer for the boiler in REK “Oslomej”
- manufacturing and mounting of separator for the boiler in REK “Oslomej”
- air and smoke ventilators repair, centering and balancing in REK “Bitola”, REK “Oslomej” and TPP “Negotino”
- coal mills repair in REK “Bitola” and REK “Oslomej”
- reduction stations repair for steam pressure in REK “Bitola” and REK “Oslomej”
- repair and manufacture the armature on the spot in REK “Bitola”, REK “Oslomej” and TPP “Negotino”
- repair of feed water pumps in REK “Bitola” and REK “Oslomej”
- repair of recirculation pumps in REK “Bitola”, REK “Oslomej” and TPP “Negotino”
- condenser pumps repair and replacement in REK “Bitola”, REK “Oslomej” and TPP “Negotino”
- air regenerative heater repair (RVP)
Auxiliary objects
- manufacturing and mounting the boiler and superheater steam screen at the start boiler room in REK “Oslomej”
- repair of fuel oil station in REK “Oslomej”
- excavator generator groups centering at the mine in REK “Oslomej”
- mounting the ash transport system in REK “Bitola”
- repair of boiler in the start boiler room in TPP “Negotino”
Plant Energetika – Skopje
- manufacturing of boilers pipe systems ( WB – 1,2 )
- manufacturing of boiler economizer G 32
- manufacturing of boilers pipe heaters G 32 I, II, III
- boilers reconstruction G 32 for use of natural gas as a fuel
- revision and procession of the armature on the spot
- main boilers repair (WB – 1,2)
- mounting of gas regulation station
- reconstruction of pipe installation
- revision of cooler system
- repair of feeding circulation pumps
Hydro Power Plants
- armature revision in HPP “Mavrovo”
- internal pipeline revision in HPP “Mavrovo”
- round main cap repair in HPP “Mavrovo”
- mounting, centering and starting of working circuits in the turbine in HPP “Mavrovo”
- mounting of hydraulic system for aggregates A and B automatic regulation in HPP “Mavrovo”
- participating in modernization of the turbines in HPP “Mavrovo”